Pitch Strong

Get the Latest Pitch Count Guidelines from ArmCare.com


Pitch Strong

Get the Latest Pitch Count Guidelines from ArmCare.com


Pitch Strong

Get the Free Download to Determine When & How Much You Should Pitch.

Pitch Counts Based on Age

Pitch Strong provides workload & rest recommendations based on age.

Wave Loading

Learn how to cycle pitch counts between starts to keep your arm fresh and at its best.

Graduated Early Season Starts

Use the Pitch Strong graduated build to adjust to your in-season workloads and stay prepared all season long.


Pitch Strong

Get the Free Download to Determine When & How Much You Should Pitch.

Pitch Counts Based on Age

Pitch Strong provides workload & rest recommendations based on age.

Wave Loading

Learn how to cycle pitch counts between starts to keep your arm fresh and at its best.

Graduated Early Season Starts

Use the Pitch Strong graduated build to adjust to your in-season workloads and stay prepared all season long.


Throwing Hard Shouldn’t Hurt

The research shows that players who sustain an injury as an amateur have a lower chance of being a Major League pitcher.

Use Pitch Strong to protect your arm and stay at the top of your game.