Upgrade To Premium
Upgrade for only $72/year to unlock advanced features & metrics to help you get better, faster. Upgrade to premium using the in-app upgrade on your apple device.
Monitor Fatigue,
the #1 Risk Factor for Injury
Advanced fatigue monitoring with daily alerts helps you identify fatigue early and prevent injuries before they happen.
At a glance, know who who needs to reduce their throwing workloads or take time off, or who is ready to push performance with a velocity program.
Track player progress & improvement
Whether you see a player every day or they train a thousand miles away, see weekly test results, player feedback, performance analytics and trends in seconds.
Know what custom training each player is doing and why.
Turn your organization into
a high end performance lab
All the data is there – every exam rep, workout, daily check in, and soreness reported (including location) is quantified and available to you for analysis.
Want to test one training program against another? With the coaches portal, you will have quantifiable data to know which program is superior and why.
Automatically earn revenue
for your team
The armcare app team pricing structure is designed to share revenue with your team or organization.